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How To Fix “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” in Google Search Console

“Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” is a status in Google Search Console that indicates Googlebot visited a page but did not index it. When it comes to Google Search Console, seeing the status “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” can be confusing.


This status means that Googlebot has crawled a particular page on your website, but for some reason, it has not indexed it in its search results. This can happen due to various reasons, such as low-quality content, duplicate content, or technical issues.


We will explore what “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” means and provide you with some tips on how to fix this issue to ensure that your pages get properly indexed by Google.


What Does It Mean For A Website To Be Crawled But Currently Not Indexed?


“Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” refers to a status in Google Search Console where Googlebot has visited a webpage but has chosen not to index it. This means that the webpage is eligible to appear in Google’s index, but for some reason, Google has decided not to include it.

Definition of crawled but not indexed
“Crawled – currently not indexed” is a status in Google Search Console that indicates Googlebot has visited a webpage but has chosen not to index it. This means that the page is eligible to appear in Google’s index, but for some reason, Google has elected not to include it. It is important for webpages to be both crawled and indexed to ensure their visibility in search engine results. Being crawled allows search engines to discover and analyze the page’s content, while being indexed makes the page eligible to appear in search results. If a page is only crawled but not indexed, it may not be visible to users searching on search engines. It is necessary to investigate and take steps to fix the issue to ensure the page’s proper indexing and visibility.”

Reasons Why A Website May Be Crawled But Currently Not Indexed

Reasons why a website may be crawled but currently not indexed:
  • Technical issues preventing indexing
  • Duplicate content or thin content
  • Blocked by robots.txt
  • Poor user experience
  • Manual actions or penalties

When it comes to indexing a website, there are several reasons why a website may be crawled but currently not indexed. Technical issues, such as server errors or slow page speed, can prevent search engines from indexing a website. Duplicate or thin content can also result in a website not being indexed, as search engines prioritize unique and high-quality content. Another potential reason for a website not being indexed is if it is blocked by the robots.txt file, which instructs search engine bots on what content to crawl and index. Additionally, if a website provides a poor user experience, search engines may choose not to index it. Finally, manual actions or penalties imposed by search engines can prevent a website from being indexed.

How To Check If Your Website Is Crawled But Currently Not Indexed

When it comes to checking if your website is crawled but currently not indexed, one of the most reliable methods is using Google Search Console. Here are the steps you can follow:

Monitoring Crawl And Index Status

Regularly monitoring the crawl and index status in Google Search Console can help you identify if any of your pages are being crawled but not indexed. Look for any pages marked as “Crawled – currently not indexed”.

Checking For Blocked Resources

Blocked resources can prevent Google from indexing your website properly. Review your website’s robots.txt file and ensure that there are no disallow directives blocking important pages or resources.

Reviewing Server Logs

Examining your server logs can provide valuable insights into how Google is crawling and indexing your website. Look for any crawl errors or patterns that could be causing pages to be crawled but not indexed.

How To Fix “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” in Google Search Console




Best Practices For Resolving The Crawled But Not Indexed Issue

One of the first steps in resolving the “crawled but not indexed” issue is to check that your pages have proper indexing instructions using meta tags. This helps guide search engines in understanding the content of your pages and improves your chances of getting indexed. Improving your website architecture and ensuring proper internal linking can also help search engines discover and index your pages. Make sure your site is well-structured, with clear navigation and logical hierarchy. Internal links also help search engines find and crawl your pages more effectively. Technical issues and broken links can hinder the indexing process. Regularly check for broken links and fix any technical issues that may prevent search engines from properly crawling and indexing your pages. This includes fixing server errors, ensuring proper URL structures, and optimizing page load speed. To improve the chances of getting indexed, it’s important to optimize your content for better relevancy and value. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant search terms, and incorporate them naturally in your content. Ensure your content is unique, valuable, and well-structured. If you’ve made necessary changes to address the “crawled but not indexed” issue, you can request a re-crawl and re-index of your pages using Google Search Console. Submitting a sitemap and requesting a fresh crawl can help expedite the indexing process.

Case Studies And Examples Of Websites That Were Crawled But Not Indexed


If you’re encountering the “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” status in Google Search Console, it simply means that Google has visited your page but has not added it to its index. This can be fixed by ensuring that your page meets the necessary requirements for indexing.


To find pages that are crawled but not indexed, you can use Google Search Console and navigate to the Pages section.

Case study 1: Website with incorrect canonical tags
Case study 2: Website with duplicate content issues
Case study 3: Website penalized for spammy backlinks

Highlighted resources suggest that “Crawled – currently not indexed” is a status that can appear in Google Search Console. This status indicates that Googlebot has crawled a page but has not indexed it. Some possible causes for this status include websites with incorrect canonical tags, websites with duplicate content issues, and websites penalized for spammy backlinks. To fix this issue, it is recommended to ensure that canonical tags are correctly implemented, address any duplicate content problems, and remove or disavow any spammy backlinks. Checking the Google Search Console for specific pages that are crawled but not indexed can provide insights into potential issues to be resolved.

Tips For Preventing The Crawled But Not Indexed Issue

“Crawled – currently not indexed” is a status that appears in Google Search Console. It indicates that Googlebot has visited a specific page but has chosen not to index it. This issue can be tackled by following a few tips: 1. Regularly monitor crawl and index status: Keep track of the crawl and index status of your website by regularly checking the Google Search Console. This will help you identify any issues and take appropriate action. 2. Use structured data markup to enhance visibility: Implement structured data markup on your website to provide additional information to search engines. This can improve visibility and increase the chances of your pages being indexed. 3. Provide high-quality and unique content: Ensure that your website offers valuable and original content. This increases the likelihood of your pages being indexed by search engines. 4. Keep your website updated and free from technical issues: Regularly update your website with fresh content and fix any technical issues that may hinder indexing. This includes optimizing page load speed, fixing broken links, and resolving crawl errors. 5. Follow SEO best practices: Adhere to SEO best practices such as using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, and creating a user-friendly site structure. This can improve the visibility and indexing of your webpages.

Conclusion: Importance Of Being Indexed And Steps To Resolve Crawled But Not Indexed Issue

The status “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” in Google Search Console indicates that Googlebot has visited a page but has chosen not to index it. This situation can negatively impact the visibility and discoverability of a website. Being properly indexed is essential for websites to appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract organic traffic. It is crucial for website owners to take immediate action to resolve the “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” issue. There are several steps to fix this problem, such as:

  • Ensure that the robots.txt file allows the page to be crawled and indexed.
  • Check for any server or hosting issues that might prevent indexing.
  • Create a sitemap and submit it to Google Search Console to assist with indexing.
  • Optimize on-page elements, including title tags, meta descriptions, and headers, to improve the page’s relevance and crawlability.
  • Build high-quality backlinks to the page to enhance its authority and visibility.

By following these steps, website owners can significantly increase the chances of their pages being indexed and visible on search engines. It is crucial to regularly monitor the indexing status in Google Search Console to identify and resolve any “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” issues promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions On Crawled – Currently Not Indexed


How Do I Fix Crawled But Currently Not Indexed?


“Crawled – currently not indexed” in Google Search Console indicates that your page has been visited by Googlebot but hasn’t been indexed yet. This could be due to various reasons, such as duplicate content, low-quality content, technical issues, or Google’s algorithmic decisions.


To fix this issue, ensure that your content is unique, high-quality, and relevant to the search query. You can also check for technical errors and submit a sitemap to help Google discover and index your pages.


Why Is My Site Crawled But Not Indexed?


A “Crawled – currently not indexed” error means that Google has visited your page but has not yet added it to their index. This is a common occurrence and will usually resolve itself when Google processes the URLs and adds them to their index.


What Does Crawled Currently Not Indexed Mean?


“Crawled – currently not indexed” means that Google has visited a webpage but has not included it in its search index. This status can be resolved as Google processes the page and decides whether to index it or not.


Why Would A Page Be Crawled But Not Indexed By Google?


A page can be crawled but not indexed by Google if Googlebot visits the page but decides not to include it in its search index. This can happen for various reasons such as low-quality content, duplicate content, technical issues, or penalties.


Q: What Does “crawled – Currently Not Indexed” Mean In Google Search Console?


A: “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” status in Google Search Console indicates that Googlebot visited a page but didn’t index it.




Fix “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” error. This status in Google Search Console signals that although Googlebot has visited a page, it has not been indexed. It is important to understand the cause of this issue and take necessary steps to ensure your content appears in Google’s index.


By resolving this error, you can improve your website’s visibility and increase organic traffic. Check out the valuable resources available, such as the guides provided by Onely, Moz, and Rank Math, to help you fix this problem and optimize your site for better search engine rankings.   Top SEO Tools For Optimizing Your Website And Boosting Rankings The Tricky Ethics Of Being A Teacher On TikTok 2022

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